Saturday, December 17, 2011


A Genius once said "I eat Cheetos with chopsticks so I don't get the yellow junk on my fingers". 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Oh my Glob" what a great day

      Only fans of Adventure Time will understand this. If you're not a fan of the show, you're not living up to your full potential. 
      Everyone should shop at Costco just to see this, it's Lumpin' amazing.

      We also went to the restaurant Sweet Tomatoes today, while we were eating 4 people came over and sat at the table next to us. When they walked by they were laughing hysterically but we didn't think much of it of course, until 5 MINUTES later when they still hadn't stopped laughing. If you have ever heard someone laugh for 5 minutes straight about a joke that you didn't hear you know how odd it feels, because you want to laugh along with them but once you start laughing you think to yourself "what am I laughing about?" So there we were, laughing and exchanging questioning glances in a restaurant named after a fruit. That's the makings of a great day.