Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wizard glasses!

Hmmm..... I found these Wizard Glasses in Michigan... And I'm not sure how to harness their magical powers, does anyone have any tips on how to unleashing it's powers?

Friday, June 22, 2012


Proof I've spent my whole life in the desert!

While reading the —Important Information— about the campus in New York, where I'm going for the Science Fair. I read "there will be showers two days" and I think.... WHAT THE LUMP!! I'm gonna be there 6 days and they're only gonna let me take 2 showers..... That seems a bit tightfisted and stingy!!! Well maybe they're in cahoots with the deodorant companies!!

LOL :P then a few days later my mom said something about bringing a raincoat.... OHHHHH... Showers—rain...... Derp!! ;D

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Anecdote Time!

Many years ago, while I was still a little crum of a chip in a jumbo bag of Doritos, and my brother Will was just a wee munchin wrapped in swaddling blankets, we had an amusing struggle with a dastardly designed DVD!

Here's the story.

One evening, back in the days where you actually had to buy DVDs instead of streaming the shows —while sitting around the dinner table, we heard the rumble of UPS. Now as a kid that rumble meant one thing... Hours of enjoyment (well at least minutes of fun). Because even if the content of that package was not meant for you, you'd still get either a box or bubble wrap, and for me a box was like a portal to another world! A world of brown paper, awkwardly cut eye slits, and crayons, (which I'd use to decorate my "life-saving space helmet", my "pirate ship" or my "evil genius laboratory"). And bubble wrap... Well everyone knows how mesmerizing it is! So jumping up from the table, I ran out the door and to the fence where I snatched the package from Santa's elf (I'm still convinced that UPS men are secretly elves), hurriedly yelled "thanks elf" and ran back inside!

After a hurried battle with the packaging, I grabbed the scissors and sliced it open! Inside was the first season of "The Walton's" on DVD, now I realize that most of you probably don't know what "The Walton's" are, well to tell you the truth, I didn't either. My dad explained to me that it was a tv show from when he was a kid about a family who lived in the back woods of West Virginia. So later that night we popped it into the Computer to watch it (we didn't have a DVD player at that time). Well after enlightening us with how we'd go to prison if we tried to copy the DVD, the menu popped up — playing on a loop as background music for the menu was the theme song,
Ba da-da da Da DAA...... Ba da-da da Da DA DAA...... Ba da-da-da-da DA DAA..... Ba Ba Ba-Da DA DAA...repeat...Ba da-da da Da DAA...... Ba da-da da Da DA DAA...... Ba da-da-da-da DA DAA..... Ba Ba Ba-Da DA DAA....repeats..
Well after my dad remarked "Ohhhh this is such a great theme song!" I clicked on PLAY SHOW...... Nothing happened......clicked a second time.....still nothing.....third time......nope......double click.......nothin........continuous clicking......naw..... then I tried clicking all the other buttons on the screen.... And of course, the only one that worked turned on and off the subtitles!! AGHH!!!! Nothing else worked!!

So after 30 minutes of trying every possible solution we could think of, The theme song was driving us nuts (for some reason we didn't think of turning off the speakers). At least 5 or 6 times in the following weeks we tried to get It to play and stubborn as it was, it wouldn't!!! But the one thing that would play..... Was THAT FREAKING THEME SONG!!!!! OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!!!! AGHHHH I felt like banging my head on the wall every time I head it!! Ba da-da da Da DAA...... Ba da-da da Da DA DAA...... Ba da-da-da-da DA DAA..... Ba Ba Ba-Da DA DAA..............

After many months of sleepless nights where all I could think of was " Ba da-da da Da DAA....." I tried one last time to play the DVD....... guess what happened????..... It didn't work!! So finally I gave up on it and as a last ditch effort I randomly clicked all over the screen..... O.O ..... A moment later there was a satisfying click, the episode started playing, and THE THEME MUSIC STOPPED PLAYING!!!! I have never been so OVERJOYED In my life to hear music stop playing!!! It was so peaceful :) and quiet :) and gorgeous :)

And still many years later the only way to get that DVD to play is to plug your ears and randomly click the screen :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012


The man who invented pockets obviously knew that I needed an easy way to carry:
1-my erasable portable artistry
2-my permanent portable artistry
3-my flexible music makers
4-bribes for my brothers
5-food hole moisturizer
6-keys to the city
7-keys to the door
8-a wrapper from an extremely horrible Japanese gum called Panda Fluff
9-viewers for real life

(shown and listed: 1-pencil with eraser, 2-Sharpie, 3-guitar picks, 4-Altoids, 5-lip balm, 6-cash, 7-keys, 8-bubble gum wrapper, 9-3D glasses)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Croutons of life experience #8

On the drive home last night, my mom stated (in the middle of a gasp) "I have now gained a phobia of riding in the car!!!"
Hmmm?! Interesting how her phobia correlates with me getting my license.... I wonder.......... :D

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Prom 2012 pictures

Wow, I had such a great time last night with some awesome friends. During the course of the night I learned that I'm not that great of a dancer as you can see by how I'm staring at my feet in the picture :D But overall It was super fun :)

Croutons of life Experience #7

During a game of Guess Who with my bros......
"Does your guy like playing Solitaire with his friends?"
"haha, he doesn't have any friends"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blackberry Picking

So many choices, it's just so hard to decide on which ones the tastiest. :D
I'll have to post some pictures soon of when I was picking Blackberries. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A small cavelcade of pixels

 I would just like to thank the cow who gave his leather to 
help me dress up like an Italian lunatic.  
The ultimate movie snack, a popcorn filled coke.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Croutons of Life Experience #6

It was frosty today, I suppose Winty-air has stealthily crept his way back into our dominion as of late.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Croutons of Life Experience #5

It's actually pretty funny that people think calling someone a nerd is an insult.
If being a nerd is not being afraid to express my like for goofy movies or harmless, odd video games, beloved by millions of other people, and not conforming to Tap Out shirts, Twilight books, partying, and being a total "dude Bro" who thinks nerds are in some form lesser individuals, then YES I am a nerd.

Passed on from Olan Rogers.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Croutons of Life Experience #4

Lee: "Look at my backpack, it has secret pockets for like.......................... toothpicks"
Me: "Toothpicks?"
Lee: "Of course" 
Me: "Freaking Toothpicks???????????"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Croutons of Life Experience #3

I'm producing an Indie Movie right now. It's so Indie only one person will ever see it.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Croutons of Life Experience #2

Raising pigs on a steady diet of Twinkies makes for some Awesome bacon in the end! 

Croutons of Life Experience #1

I love all the family building exercises my mom is having us do but I'm getting tired of using the "community" toothbrush! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Picksures :)

 If you don't already know this, I went to visit my sister in Michigan last week. I had an algebraic time. This is a picture of my sis and I before we went adventuring in a frozen bog. 

 You KNOW it's gonna be a great time when the bridge looks like this.

 Dr. Seuss plant

 There were some odd looking plants.
 I also learned that coffee lattes are DISCUSSTING. They're so sweet that you cant really taste the coffee and the after tastes are bad. I'll stick with black coffee.

  I saw these at Sunflower market. Who ever came up with this idea obviously had NO taste buds. I mean look at them, they're like half an inch thick. DISGUSTING!!!! 

Billy the Dog helping with our science project.
 Eli the Human helping with our science project.
A weird picture that I took of the clouds while I was going to Maggie's.

I saw this in the "Flywell Magazine" and I thought to my self "Two can play at that game"

 I was trying to bring out my inner Longshoreman, like it said in the ad, but I think I look like a Terrorist instead. Hmmm..........................
What do you think? Terrorist or Longshoreman? 


Eli, I just saw this on wiki. haha, pretty great right!!!  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hey, hey, hey, what a poem you have there.

So my mom was looking through some of my third grade schoolwork and she found a poem I wrote back then. It's pretty funny.

We went to a bank to get some money,
   we went to a store to buy some honey.
When we came home we tasted the honey
   but we took it back 'cause it tasted funny.